Let me clarify. I have read lots books in the past few months - in fact, I can't sleep at night until I've done a little reading - but I've found everything sort of ho-hum. The books weren't particularly bad or uninteresting, just nothing that really caught fire with me. Usually, I can find something that strikes my fancy, but lately, nope. Nothing. I am so hungry for a book that I can't put down!
Several good books have been recommended by friends, and I've eagerly chased them down in hopes of finding a good 'un. Was hoping Changing Light by Nora Gallagher would do it. Maybe any other time it would've. But while it's pretty good, I haven't felt the need to read more than a chapter at a time.
I'm thinking I must be going through a phase. Sigh. I wonder if it's connected to my writing-weariness at the moment? Can't read. Can't write. Nothing's sparking.
Here's hoping Harry Potter will help me out in July.
Have you read the Stephanie Plum books by Janet Evanovich? I think they're hilarious. Easy to read, don't need a lot of thought - which is good last thing at night - and fun. Great characters - I could go on ...
Hope your reading/writing weariness passes soon. Before HP as well. What will we do without a new HP to look forward to?
I know just what you mean, Mary. Nothing's really gripped me since The Time Traveller's Wife. That's the trouble with a great read - you're always hungry for more.
When I get to that point I always go for the easy quick reads - whodunnits mostly. Agatha Christie, natch, 'The Cat Who' series by Lilian Jackson Braun, and I'm currently plouging through some daft murder mysteries by Simon Brett. (Fortunately, my brain's incapable of holding book plots for any length of time, so re-reading's never a problem.) All to bring my literary expectations to a more realistic level before I tackle my latest pile, freshly delivered from Amazon:-
The Testament of Gideon Mack - James Robertson
A Pale View of Hills - Kazuo Ishiguro
The Interpretation of Murder - Jed Rubenfeld.
I understand just how you feel. Sometimes I just need to read something fun, light, and fluffy to get me back into the groove. Lately I've enjoyed reading Mary Kay Andrews. Quick, easy reads. Southern settings. You might enjoy one of them.
Thanks for the suggestions, friends. I've added them to my TBR stack. Surely something will strike my fancy before being called to find out the demise of Harry and Voldemort.
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