I've put off making a certain phone call for two days. It's one of those "smoothing ruffled feathers" kind to a guy who doesn't like something we're doing, or rather, doesn't like the
process. I'm not at fault and I know what I'm going to say, but I'm just not in the mood for a soul-sucking conversation with a whiny, nose-outta-joint dude.
Shoulda made the call yesterday. Should make it right now. But every time I pick up the phone, I think "Nooooooooooooooooo . . ." I know I'll feel better once I've done the deed, but I just can't rev up my sweet, understanding listening engines right now.
Maybe one more cup of tea . . .
Procrastination is much-maligned, wrongly in my opinion.
Never do today what you can put off until it becomes unnecessary.
call him at lunchtime, he will most likely be out and you can leave a vm. You've done your thing and its up to him then.
Or you can just leave it and if it bother this fella that much he'll chase you. That saves you all the responsibility.
I know us nice people dont do this sort of thing usually, but some people just irritate you and best to stay clear if you can!!
oh btw
otherwise you could always phone up using a different voice and pretend your someone else. Then he can moan but you enjoy it more because you know you are getting a laugh at his expense.
Liz and chux, I knew I like you two for a reason! You totally get it!
I was expecting lots of comments like, "Go ahead and call" "You'll feel better after you talk to the guy" "It probably won't be as bad as you think" la-la-la. Instead, I get Your expert advice! chux, I think I'll take your suggestion to call at lunch and leave a message so that Mr. Whiny Butt will have to call me back(if he so chooses). Fingers crossed, he won't be eating at his desk tomorrow.
Usually, I'm a proactive kind of gal, but instincts tell me procrastination is definitely the way to go here.
I'm not gonna tell you to do it either. Quite the contrary, I think you should listen to that reluctance-- maybe it's telling you that this guy's feathers need to stay ruffled. --Carey
Ooh, Carey. I like that rationalization, too! "Maybe his feathers need to stay ruffled for a while." I'll definitely use that!
Love those despair.com posters, coffee cups, etc. I've bought a few things from them so from time to time get a dead-tree catalog in the mail also.
I happen to think there's a time for procrastination Mary.....but when NOT doing something is just as painful as doing it....it's time. Better to just 'bite the bullet' and get the monkey off your back.
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