I know what I was doing 24 years ago today. On this clear blue day in 1983, I was in Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, walking up and down the halls, trying to quicken up those labor contractions.
The pregnancy-thing had gone on way too long. The baby was due on my birthday, and my mommy-to-be nerve was frayed to the last 1/2 thread. The doctor was getting impatient, as well, so I was scheduled to have labor induced on May 6. This baby would get born, whatever its preference for womb-comfort.
I refer to it as "the baby," because I didn't know whether I was having a girl or a boy. It was just becoming fashionable to find out the sex of the baby before birth, so I could've found out if I'd wanted to. Here's my stand on that: there are so few real (good) surprises left in the world today, that I believe one should wait to hear those classic words "It's a . . . !" So I waited.
I wanted a girl, but all the labor nurses kept saying it was a boy because of the heartbeat (strong and slow, or maybe shallow and fast - I don't really remember their justification). Well, I was not going to be picky at this stage of the game - just wanted whatever it was to see the light of day. Well, it just shows how little those labor nurses knew!
Katherine Elizabeth Brennan was born at 4:14pm on May 4, 1983. She was kind enough to wait until the afternoon soaps were over. (Yep, I watched TV while I was hooked up to fetal monitors during labor. "Guiding Light," I think it was.)
And she growed up right nice, I do think.
Happy Birthday, Katie Sue Agnes Louise (and whatever else Uncle Bill tacks on to your name)!
The pregnancy-thing had gone on way too long. The baby was due on my birthday, and my mommy-to-be nerve was frayed to the last 1/2 thread. The doctor was getting impatient, as well, so I was scheduled to have labor induced on May 6. This baby would get born, whatever its preference for womb-comfort.
I refer to it as "the baby," because I didn't know whether I was having a girl or a boy. It was just becoming fashionable to find out the sex of the baby before birth, so I could've found out if I'd wanted to. Here's my stand on that: there are so few real (good) surprises left in the world today, that I believe one should wait to hear those classic words "It's a . . . !" So I waited.

Katherine Elizabeth Brennan was born at 4:14pm on May 4, 1983. She was kind enough to wait until the afternoon soaps were over. (Yep, I watched TV while I was hooked up to fetal monitors during labor. "Guiding Light," I think it was.)
And she growed up right nice, I do think.
Happy Birthday, Katie Sue Agnes Louise (and whatever else Uncle Bill tacks on to your name)!
Happy Birthday Katherine Elizabeth...you beautiful Taurus baby. What a great picture of the both of you Mary...and how very lucky Katie is to have you.
What a beautiful young woman your Kate is. Happy Birthday to her and to you too (since you were the one doing the birthin')!
Happy Birthday to a very gorgeous young woman. And who is the one on the right? Hubba, hubba... as another dirty old man used to say...
Another 1983 baby - it was a good year that year!!
May 4 is a good day isn't it? Happy Birthday Katherine! My life-partner's birthday too it was. So it was a good day, wasn't it? For all of us.
Happy Birth-day to your Mama too!
What a beautiful girl - and she looks just like her mum! Congratulations to both of you.
She's a cutie! Happy belated birthday!
Thanks for all the good wishes, Friends! Kate does her mama proud!
Seeing how I don't have my mother's blogging-witt, I'm just now getting around to reading this. What sweet well-wishers! Thanks to all, my mother's an amazing woman.
- Kate
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