There are days where all I can do is look around at the unopened boxes, flop down in a chair, and pig-out in front of the TV. I want it in order so desperately, and yet I am immobilized by all that has to get done. Over the past week I've set little task-goals for myself - 2 boxes one night, 3 the next, 1 after a particularly rough day. Having a chunk of time off has helped as well, thanks to Good Friday and Easter Monday holidays.
I've been such a bore lately that I didn't want to inflict any of that on you, dear readers. I'm not feeling very "Easter" at all. I believe I'll be in full-tilt Lent until I get my surroundings organized. The good news is that I do see light at the end of my "nesting" tunnel.
Tomorrow, I won't be in church - first time in 25 years. I'm ignoring Easter this year. I will celebrate resurrection and un-hibernation when the books are on the shelves and the pots and pans find a cabinet to live in.
So, lovely Easter hats, you will just decorate Grandpa's dresser this year instead of my head at a joyous Easter service.
(Reading this over, it sounds so dreary. I'm really fine - just a little overwhelmed.)
Hey Sis,
I'll miss you this Easter. And, I know you'll miss All Saints this year. But,remember, going into the building called "church" isn't the most important way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Your mission trip to Africa and the mission work that you facilitate on a daily basis are the really useful ways to show the love of Jesus.
Love, lil Sis
P.S. I'll be thinking about you and lots of colorful plastic eggs tomorrow! (you know what I mean...)
Happy Easter, Mary and Bailey, from Hershey and me.
A happy Easter to you and Bailey, Mary. I hope the light is getting brighter and those boxes emptying faster than you anticipated. I hope you're including a box of chocolates in the list that needs to be emptied?
Amen, Sister, to all you said. (And, even though I kept all the old Christmas cards, I did clear out colorful plastic eggs when I moved! I figure we'll buy more for the grandchildren, right?)
And Happy Easter to you, Elsie (and Hershey and Liz and Harvs)! Hoe you enjoyed the day.
Yes, Liz, I made sure I emptied the quart of chocolate ice cream with walnuts - the gift that keeps on giving!
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