It was just that kind of a day. We got the conference business over before 9am, then headed for Williamsburg and Jamestown. Since I'm at the Episcopal Communicators annual conference, the trip had a decidedly Anglican slant to it. Fortunately, we had a tour guide who was intelligent and engaging, but not overly-animated (don't you hate those?), so I learned a lot without feeling the need to slap the stew out of her. Her knowledge of early American history and Bruton Church (Williamsburg) was amazing.

Jamestown swamp - I mean,
settlement - is all gussied up for its upcoming 400th anniversary as the first permanent English settlement this side of the pond. The Queen's coming (Elizabeth, not Helen Mirren), and all sorts of other dignitaries. I don't think I knew the fort was triangular - and part of it now lies in the James River, due to years of erosion. And forget the John Smith/Pocahontas fling. Never happened. She was only 11, he was 27, and that kind of thing was frowned upon even in 1607.

After a swampy afternoon, full of thunderstorms then sticky sun, it was back to the King's Arms Tavern in Williamsburg. A nice meal and two hard ciders later, it was back to Virginia Beach.
I'm tired but smarter. It'll be good to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night. I'm comin' home, New York!
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