Transit was a nightmare last evening, but I made it home without too much hassle by getting off at dear old 86th street, walking up to Madison, and catching a bus to 115th. As I approached my corner, I noticed that the street had been cordoned off and New York's finest were standing guard. I crossed the street and a charming police officer offered to escort me to my building.
"But I live right here," sez I, pointing to the corner.
I don't think he believed me. He let me cross under the tape, I pulled out my key, and went up to my doorway - about 4 steps from the street.

"Yep, but I really appreciate the escort!" He smiled. I smiled. He left to partake in more escort duty.
I ran into my building, grabbed Bailey for her walk and made sure I had the camera, in hopes of getting a good look at what had happened. Alas, I couldn't get close to the building site, even though it's practically right outside my door. I did, however, manage to take a shot of the emergency vehicles and television trucks.
Getting in to work this morning was no breeze, either. My 116th subway stop is closed till further notice (or until they completely bring down the building in question), so I have to walk down to the 110th stop or catch the 2nd Avenue bus (veeeerrrry slow going).
Ah, well. Never a dull moment 'round here.
Has George blamed it on Al Quaeda yet?!
Glad your place and, more importantly, Bailey were safe. You certainly know how to live in NYC!
Policeman are okay, but a fireman now ...
Hope you've got some good walking shoes! And about that man in blue, charming you say? Maybe he'll escort you this evening, too.
Liz, I'm sure a thorough investigation will reveal that it was a vicious terrorist plot to destroy the squalor that is Spanish Harlem. (Stay outta my neighborhood, George -)
Oh, Elsie, I believe New York's finest and I were just ships passing in the twilight. Another fine NYC memory.
By the way, the building had been completely demolished by the time I got home last night, making for a more convenient commute since the 116th St. station was up and running. All's well . . .
What a rude way to welcome you home! Glad y'all are OK.
Just checking in, Mary. Hope you're just relaxing and that all is well.
Woah! Well over a week since you told us about your "boy in blue", and we ain't heard hide ner hair uv yuh since. Y'all OK? Maybe just cozied up to the boy in blue and having a good ol' time?
Ah, Winston, sorry. I haven't had much time for my boys in blue (though they do seem to hang out a lot in this neighborhood - hmmm).
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