Thursday, August 09, 2007

The "Terrible TWOs" Top 20

In honor of Shorty PJs' second anniversary, I thought I'd celebrate by listing my top 20 favorite posts, arranged oldest to latest. Well, not the absolute top 20 - who can choose favorites among one's chirruns? - but 20 posts that I enjoy re-reading. Indulge me while I take a walk down Memory Lane before I strike out for Central Park, the Dakota, and the American Museum of Natural History. Check 'em out, if you're so inclined.
  1. Meditationally-challenged - why I don't do yoga
  2. A couple of Girl Scout leaders and a PTA president could organize the world - written in light of the Katrina disaster
  3. All Hallow's Eve Eve - childhood pre-Halloween excitement
  4. The music of a city - trains, cities, music
  5. Autumn evening - random thoughts as I walked from the car to the front door
  6. For all the saints (and sinners, too) - a little celebration of faith
  7. The day before the day before - a Christmas Eve eve rambling
  8. Anything for a couple of Krystal Hamburgers and a chance to sit on Rebel - local kiddie show memories
  9. School words - once you graduate, you never have to hear 'em again
  10. The Shortys - a better version of the Oscars
  11. The Good Mamas - a Mother's Day salute
  12. Finding An Old Friend - good ol' Mr. Peanut
  13. And The City - making my way in the Grand Pomme
  14. "Good Family" Guilt - obviously, I need therapy
  15. The Curse of the Suddenly-Stopplies - move along, move along
  16. A Little Fall Splendor in The Park Central - just purdy pictures
  17. Paying forward, not back - a subway experience
  18. O, the wonders of a flashlight and a bit of orange cellophane - Christmas pageant memories
  19. Celebrating 25 Years of Snow Jam '82 Tall Tales - you had to be there
  20. I smell fish and see plaid. This must be Scotland. - a tribute to dear Aub
Really, I have lots more, but the world is a-callin'. Mo' later.


jomoore said...

And thank you for sharing your thoughts with us for the last couple of years, Mary. It's good to know you.

Anonymous said...

There's some pretty good stuff in that list Mary....keep 'em comin'.

Happy 2nd Anniversary are a joy and a beautiful lady. ~Joy

Anonymous said...

I had no idea you were that old, er... uh... I mean, been around that long. I mean...

Happy Blogoversary! Many more to come...

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic way to celebrate your anniversary, MaryB. Happy Days ahead. Am so glad you are a blogger and that I can read you daily as I do. You always interest me, and brighten my day!