Thursday, August 02, 2007


Tamarika was complaining about her G-Rated blog, so I thought I'd put mine to the test. Hm. Got an R-Rating based on the presence of the words "death," "hell," and "bitch." Guess they missed the "shit" and "damn" I threw in during my rant on trash-talking the other day.

Well, so be it. I'll proudly wear an R-Rating, thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Your rating is so much more fun than mine! Hurrah!

Elsie said...

Bet that made you feel good. Mine is rated PG, sort of like my life! R is much more exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Every time I have tried this, mine comes up PG. That in spite of the fact that I've got all 7 of Carlin's words in there somewhere, including a few f-bombs. I am so envious of you and your big bold R...

Joy Des Jardins said...

Well, I'm not surprised. I see you as a soft, southern belle who can glide right into 'hot and spicy' effortlessly. That's what I like about you....always interesting.

MaryB said...

Well, it's obvious that you "bitches" need to post more about "death" and "hell." Now, really. Those were the three words that put me in the R catagory. (Do I talk about them that much??) And, yeah, Winston, I'm surprised you're not sharing a big ol' R with me.

Chris said...

Mine is rated 'G', admitting all ages. This is based on the fact that I used the word 'piss' once. They must have missed the 'bastard' I used the other day when complaining about blogger.

I'm really jealous. 'R' is so much more racy and sophisticated.

WARNING My language is likely to get a bit more fruity now. Those of a nervous disposition must put their hands over their ears.

MaryB said...

Chris - just start adding "death," "hell," and "bitch" to your posts and you'll soon earn your R-Rating! All those words seem pretty tame to me. As I said, the evaluator completely overlooked my recent "shit" and "damn." And I'm sure I've used "poo" along the way, as well.

Anonymous said...

This seems the appropriate time to ask a question about do-do. Is it one word (dodo), two words (do do), or one word hyphenated (do-do)? I think the third option.

What say ye ole shorty pj?

MaryB said...

Well, Cuz (I know it's you, because nobody else in the world would ask this question) - I've always preferred do-do to dodo, just to distinguish between excrement and a rare bird. But perhaps we should clarify it even further and agree on doo-doo. What do-do/doo-doo you think? (I guess we can save the do-do-head discussion for another time.)