Muscadine Lines, A Southern Journal has published a meager offering by little moi called "The One and Only Escapade of the Pine Panel Kid." ML offers writers, known and unknown (done and left undone . . .), a chance to put stuff out there for folks to read. There's wonderful reading here, so I'm privileged to have been chosen.
Check it out, if you are so moved.
(And thanks, Winston at Nobody Asked, for suggesting I take a look at Muscadine Lines. I'd write you a proper thanks but your comments block me out, for some reason.)
OK, I finally read this this morning. Yeah I know, but you know, NaNo. Anyway. This was beautiful, and I do not mean that in the "oh, yeah, that's, um, good" way. I'm sending the link out to a bunch of people. Great stuff, thanks for sharing!
Gee thanks, girl. I hope when you have NaNo behind you , you'll take the time to submit a little something to Muscadine Lines, too. Now, stop reading this and get back to writing! ;-)
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