Non-fiction, fiction/literature, fiction/best-sellers (and are they mutually exclusive, literature and best-sellers?), mysteries, Christmas mysteries (don't ask), reference, travel - well, shit. I'm over-whelmed.
Do I put all the paperbacks to the back (yes, I double-shelve, doesn't everyone?), or just the old stuff I don't really care about anymore but for some reason want to hang on to?
And what's the best way to shelve/stack over-sized books (they have to go on top without toppling over, of course)?
How do I put the books back without getting side-tracked looking through them, remembering stories or assignments, holidays, airports, bookstores. Stop me!
As for the 1973 set of Encyclopaedia Britannicas - I just stuck 'em back where they've always been. Like beloved boat anchors. Big sigh. This is why I don't paint more often.
The room, however, looks fabulous - on to the dining room (if I ever get the books re-shelved, that is)!
yes, I double-shelve, doesn't everyone?
I used to triple-shelve (and still didn't have enough room - I need more shelves but I'm cheap), but now I live with someone who is finicky about such things, so instead I single-shelve my very favorites and have about 80 bazillion cardboard boxes in my storage closet labeled "fiction", "philosophy", "crappy fiction" etc.
Wow - "crappy fiction." That's a catagory I hadn't thought of, and let's face it, it would cover a lot of what I'm fretting over right now. (Definitely to the back with those . . . )
Yes, it's a relief to put your crappy fiction away where no one can see it. But you know, it still has to be clearly marked for those slow Sunday nights when you just want a potato chip. :)
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