Remember when I gave a heads-up about Penguin putting its 1,082-book library on sale for $8K? Well, here's one lucky family who took 'em up on the deal. My eyes are aglow with a bright green light . . .
How many times have you dreamed of having a feature story written about you in the New York Times? (And I mean for something worthwhile, not for being caught in an unfortunate situation with a politician of a wing of another persuasion?) Let's give it up for our bud, Grace Davis, she of I'm Dr. Laura's Worst Nightmare, who (along with many other fine folks) put her volunteerism where her mouth is and made a real difference with the blog Hurricane Katrina Direct Relief! Great article about how the internet made things happen when our guv'mint couldn't. Yes, I'm green with envy, but proud as punch - yea, Grace!
OK, I'm not jealous of these women - I just want to slap 'em. Finished with their Christmas shopping, indeed! None seem to be women with day/night-jobs, and they're obviously not into the NaNo writing thing. I'll bet they all wear those silly Christmas sweaters, too. One year I did all my shopping on Christmas Eve - low prices, picked-over inventory (so no dilly-dallying about what to buy - just whatever's left), no big crowds. And now with online shopping, what's the prob? Let's try to get through Thanksgiving first, hmm, ladies?
I'm most jealous of anyone who has all of their books put away just-so on their shelves. I will get that done tonight!
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