Joanna's 14-year-old brother Alexander got huffy and said he was mad because they made LWW before the first book. So I sez, "What first book? I thought LWW was the first book." "No there's one before it (The Magician's Nephew)." So a discussion ensued about whether MN was a "pre-quel" like the Star Wars movies of late.

Well, nothing was settled at that time, but I did come home and Google the thing. Turns out that Alexander and I were both right. LWW was indeed the first book written in the series (1950) - in fact, C.S. Lewis intended the book to be a stand-alone, not realizing that he'd find a way to return to the story again and again. He wrote MN in 1955, but the book takes place before LWW and gives backstory, as it were.
Now Lewis aficianados are having the great debate over whether to read the books as written or in chronological order, putting MN before LWW. The "MN 1st" group says that chronological order makes more sense; the "LWW 1st" group says by doing that, the magic of LWW in particular and the series in general is dissipated. C.S. Lewis seemed to favor the chronological order, based on a letter written to a young reader, but he admits that he never meant for LWW to lead to a series and that books can be read in any order.
What do you think? It's been years since I read either LWW or MN, though I remember LWW much better than the other. So. By publication, or chronologically?
I am very passionate on this issue. I cannot believe they are now selling boxed CN sets with MN first. It is WRONG. WRONG. It is NOT OKAY and it is spawning an ENTIRE GENERATION of kids who are IGNORANT about how Narnia REALLY works. Have the caps indicated my passion?
There's good reasons for reading them in the order written and published, the main one being that, um, hello, dur, that's how *I* read them. ;)
I so agree. I polled my co-workers who couldn't believe anyone would even think to start CN with MN instead of LWW. Totally sucks the magic and mystery out of it. This is great fodder for the next time I see Alexander!
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