Looking for a new job is horror enough in itself, but there are job-hunter nightmares that leave you in a cold sweat in the middle of a cold, dark night. According to CareerBuilder, the number one terror tale involves being offered a new position, quitting your old job, then having the new job offer rescinded. The very thought of having to crawl back and beg for your old job is a life-screwing situation. The whole list of job-hunting horrors is here.
Job-search crap aside, it doesn't rank as number one on the fears and phobias list, so sez MSN. Seems snakes hold the top spot as the ultimate fear factor for most folks. Snakes have close competition from number 2 - having to give a speech. Good old fashioned fear is in our DNA - for good reason.
Off I fly - mo' later from 'Lanta.
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