The documentary, by Albert and David Maysles, is a classic - if you can bear to sit through it. Lots of the stuff is hard to watch. It's a cinema verite look at Edith Bouvier Beale and her daughter Edie - "Big Edie" and "Little Edie" - aunt and cousin to Jackie Kennedy, who live in complete squalor in a 28-room mansion in East Hampton/Long Island. It is one, big bizarre world for these two babes.
Last month, one of my favorite blogs - Pratie's Place (see my blog list on left) - had a rather extensive post about the Edies, complete with pics. This should pique your interest in the story, so check it out.
If you just like reading about famous people who live in squalor, you might enjoy Famous Squalorees. Might make you feel better about not making up your bed this morning.
Anyway, the new musical will star Mary Louise Wilson and Christine Ebersole as mama and baby. No news on when it might hit the Great White Way. It's just in the "developmental reading" stage at present. Stay tuned.
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