Being on the road, however, is no excuse to go stupid. Over eggs and croissant at breakfast, I scanned the New York Times Science Section and found a coupla nuggets.
Looking for "depression" or "anxiety" to glow red on a brain scan? Alas, imaging technology has fallen short of original expectations to target mental problems, other than the physical presence of a tumor. Hope springs eternal, though. Read about it here.
And breath analysis is good for more than reining in drunk drivers. Modern chemistry has tapped into the ancient art of pinpointing or predicting internal medical problems by honing in on the chemical signature of breath. Rotten-apple breath signals diabetes, by the way. More here.
OK, but probably the biggest news for all you coffee drinkers out there - drinking coffee canNOT stunt a child's growth. "Damn!" I hear you saying. "Why I coulda been swilling this stuff for years had I known that!" And here's the proof.
That's your weekly science lesson. More from our nation's capital later . . .
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