So begins my little story that was chosen to be a part of a wonderful anthology of Southern stories called Muscadine Lines. I'm proud to have my words tucked in among 27 other voices from the southland, and owe a huge debt of gratitude to the work and vision of Kathy Hardy Rhodes, who edited and spearheaded this project. (Kathy is also the real-life honeybun of one of our most lovably irascible blog buddies, who must remain nameless unless he chooses to 'fess up publicly.)
Here's the sales pitch. If you want a copy of Muscadine Lines, you can go to Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, or Books-a-Million. You can also order directly from me - and I'll even throw in a personalized message and autograph. Why, in a few years, a signed copy of this book will be worth a fortune on e-Bay, so you'd better jump at the opportunity! If you're interested, just email me, and we'll work out the details. Otherwise, check out the online book sellers.
OK, Shameless Plug Time over. Enjoy your Friday!
"lovably irascible"?
Pshaw, pshaw.
You missed a huge mass signing at B&N and party afterward, complete with Muscadine Wine. Best wishes for selling a million books in your end of the world.
Yes, word has it that books and good food abounded. Wish I could have been there!
Have ordered my copy today from Amazon. Because I'm a cheapskate and don't want to pay postage, I've also ordered it with another book I want but with a delivery timescale of 1 month. So I'm afraid I'm going to have to wait. But, hey, I'm a patient person and I'm sure it'll be worth it.
Aw, thanks, Chris! (I'm on page 125, by the way.) And I'm with you - I never pay primo postage when I order online.
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