- Is Harry doomed? Will JK off wizard-boy in the last book? Even after Stephen King and John Irving begged her not to? No, no, no, J-Baby. Don't kill Harry. He has to marry Ginny [Thanks, PJ - you're right; it's not "Jenny." That' s what I get for posting during lunch.] Weasley, and Hagrid and Snape have to set up a love-next at Hogwarts.
- Mel. Mel, Mel, Mel, Mel, Mel. Love your booking photo! Smilin' away, just like old Tom Delay. Wrong approach to a jailhouse photo-op. If I'm ever booked, I'm going for my 4-year-old-self's "Sow-wy" look. Engagingly contrite. Boy, you'd think actors and politicians would go for that one straight off! Better than Nolte's, though. The Smoking Gun has a great archive of booking photos, BTW. If you're bored.
- So, who's getting kicked off Project Runway tonight for breakin' da' rules? Ooh, poor Tim has to whip out his Bad Mama face and voice, per the promos.
- Castro. Dead or alive? Shall we start the office-death-pool? Date and time of death, a buck a pop.
- Marilyn. Dead, yes, but who did it? I've always thought Jane Russell was behind it.
At least one of those options should get your mind off the you-know-what. And lunch hour's over, so get back to work!
Agreed. Sybil and Minerva are definitely an item. (Who wouldn't pay to see Emma Thompson and Maggie Smith go at it? Or Robbie Coltrane and Alan Rickman? So much potential.)
We'll just have to see on PR tonight. Yes, Franco is still dead. So is Marilyn. But Castro?
BTW, it ain't over till the fat lady sings - and she's come to the mic several times, then walked off stage - but, fingers crossed, you may have a little surprise next week.
Naw, I think Harry has to die. Poor boy has been through too much. He will need therapy for the rest of his life if he survives.
And no-one gets Alan Rickman except me!
Jenny Weasley? That should be Ginny, surely? Or does Mrs Weasley have another daughter that JK hasn't mentioned yet?
I must say, I liked the previous Harry Potter books - but this most recent one was an absolute cracker!
Forget it, Liz. I'll wrestle you AND Robbie Coltrane for Rickman! And PT - of course it's Ginny with a G. Guess I had a brain fart, what can I say?
See? At least we're talking Potter and not the heat. I've done my job. . .
I did a Google search for "Jenny Weasley" and came up with a whole bunch of things. I figured that either the publishers had changed the name for the American market (unlikely as Wikipedia has never heard of Jenny) or lots of people had the same issue with the name as you, Mary.
I blame audio books!
Harry's totally dead. He's totally a horcrux, and he'll have to die so they can get rid of Voldie. Poor Harry.
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