Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's the humidity. Maybe those brain flashes are really just mini-strokes. That could explain a lot, since I can't seem to concentrate on anything for more than a minute or two. Adult Attention Deficit Disorder, perhaps?
Started a new book over the weekend, The Time-Traveler's Wife. Big mistake. Good book, but it takes a lot of concentration, since the guy keeps meeting himself (and his future wife/wife) coming and going. Problem is, I insist on trying to sort out the years and the logistics of the thing, and it makes my head hurt a little to figure on it so much. Sigh. Maybe I should just stick with Miss Piggle-Wiggle this summer.
And I'm doing my best to ignore the world. Fingers in ears, la-la-la. Not that I don't care that things seems to be getting out of control; I do care. But, 1) there's nothing I can do about it; 2) nobody would listen to me, even if I had a solution; and 3) there's nothing I can do about it. Talk about loss of political efficacy! Sheesh! (Look it up if you don't know what it means - bet you're suffering from it, too.) So, tra-la-la, walk the dog, go to work, do good stuff, eat comfort food. Call me when it's over, friends.
Enough whining. For now, anyway.
You can always do what my Robin did when he "read" that book - listen to it as an e-book. Not that it make much of a difference to me if I'm not focused, but it's a lazy way of "reading" right now when everything seems to be too much in this heat.
And I think we all have dry blogs at the moment. It's like the water I'm drinking won't make any difference for my brain cells at all.
But thankies for keeping AwfulSouls among the blogs that are worth reading in your sidebar ;)
Good idea - just close my eyes and listen to someone read it to me. Might fall asleep, though . . .
Yep, must be the heat - which seems to be everywhere right now. Stay healthy, girlfriend!
Your blog is not boring. Some of us read it, and enjoy, every day.
The heat affects us all, like me right now trying to think of a witty comment to leave for you. Even Miss Piggle-Wiggle will be a difficult read on these HHH days. So please stick with The Time-Traveler's Wife. I look forward to your review. I've found a few good books that way.
And I join in your la-la-la chorus.
What is going on with Blogger?! I definitely left a comment here this morning. Hey ho.
Your blog is one of the highlights of my day, Mary.
I gave up on The TT's wife. We read it for reading group and evryone else loved it but I found the time slips distracting. I will try again one day, maybe when we're on holiday and I have undisturbed time to concentrate.
Have just taken delivery of Marley and Me and a DVD of the first series of A Fine Romance. More my style!
Yeah, Mar... It's pretty boring stuff. Punchit up some will ya...
Just kidding and you know that. Just being Suthun sassy...
It has to be the heat. Everybody is feeling it and it is really having a serious effect on attitudes, emotions, moods... Come on September!
Liz - no idea what's going on with Blogger. I never know when it's going to let me comment (seems to come and go - and yes, I've checked and double-checked all the settings). And lately it's a hit or miss re: posting pictures, as well. Blog-overload I suspect.
As for TTWife, I'm just plowing through it and have left off trying to my sense of all the comings and goings. It's either incredibly brilliant or just a big mess. Since it's a best-seller, I guess it's the former.
And Winston - yeah. I'm blaming everything on the heat. So much so, that when things cool off, guess I'll have to go back to blaming Bush for everything. ;-)
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