Monday, January 15, 2007

2 1/2 days into a head cold

Despite the coughs and sneezes swirling around me in the office, I have been a real healthy chick so far. I owe it all to clean living. OK, not really. How about lots of orange juice and hot tea? Anyway, I was fine and dandy until the moment I hit the subway after Grey Gardens Friday evening. Little throat tickle. Tiny cough. Uh-oh. Here it comes.

From that moment on I've felt as though my head is stuffed with cotton. I just want to stay in bed with a book and cup of tea. Thank goodness it's a holiday weekend and I have an extra day to pull myself together before tomorrow.

I'm staying inside today. Kissed a few apartment frogs on Saturday and Sunday - but today, as tempting as it is to get out on this dreary day and look at more dreary apartments, I'm nesting.

Ooops. Kettle's whistling. I feel sure that if I drink enough tea, the cotton in my head will evaporate. (Obviously, I'm delusional.)


Liz Hinds said...

Did you know that you shouldn't drink tea soon after having vitamin C as it ... does something that makes it not so effective?

Get well soon, Mary.

Chris said...

That's what comes of kissing all of those frogs -you're bound to pick something up!

Colds are horrible; hope you're better soon.

MaryB said...

Liz - you learn something new everyday. Had no idea that tea and vitamin C cancelled each other out! I've tended to drink one or the other, then nap, then more or one or the other, so maybe I'm OK.

Chris - yeah, not to mention warty lips! I think I'm coming round, though.

Anonymous said...

Travelling around working on computers, I usually get everything going. Must be not only the airspace contact but also touching a dozen or more mice and keyboards each day. I wash fore and aft, use that Purell stufff like it's going out of style, but still usually contract a couple of nasties a year.

First wave that passed thru this year Roomie and I both used that AirBorne stuff and never got the bug. So I'm a big believer in it already. Got some more on hand for the next tickle in the throat. If you try it, get the lemon/lime. It is actually very pleasant.

Chris said...

That AirBorne remedy mentioned by Winston sounds good but doesn't seem to be easily available in the UK. Yet another reason for me to move across the pond.

Joy Des Jardins said...

I raise my teacup to you Mary. I hope you feel better fast. I'm a believer in zinc lozengers...especially within the first 24 hours of a cold. It works for me every time. Rest well...

MaryB said...

Aw, thanks for all the tea and sympathy, friends. Still got a little tickle, but I'm coming out of it.

Yeah, Winston, I hopped right on AirBorne and Zicam swabs the minute I hit the door Friday evening. I'm hoping that's what kept the cold from getting too horrible. As much as I travel, I keep AirBorne handy. (Chris, remind me next time I come over to bring you a load of it!)

Joy - all out of zinc lozenges, though. I'll stock up.