Imagine - all those records coming out of storage (skips, tics, and all), and finding new life. This is a godsend, since I have albums that will never be mass-produced on CD or zapped up for download. No. Really. Trust me. When I cast my mind back to all the weird rock-and-roll, folk, and soundtrack albums I have boxed up - well! Why, getting to hear the obscure Julie Andrews LPs alone would be worth the $150-200 for one of these new gizmo turntables. Sign me up!
Seems the trickiest part to the whole transfer process is cleaning the LPs beforehand. I see big bucks in marketing "album-cleaning kits." Anybody wanna get in on the ground floor of that little gold mine with me?
Oh the possibilities....all those records that I've had stashed away. Hmmmm.
Let me know if you stumble up on a way to do eight track....I'm still lost in the 70's and unable to groove to John Mayall. My son gave me an MP3 player for Christmas , I'm still finding out how to operate it...HELP
Bro - I figure we just get a couple of boxes of Swiffer cloths, cut 'em up into little pieces, repackage them, and market them on eBay. You're an eBay pro - finish "24" then get back to me.
Joy - you know those stacks have some memories (and surprises) tucked away. It'd be great to hear them again.
Jay - now there's a thought. 8 track conversions. All those K-Tel mixes back in the air . . .
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