Which set me to thinking about "perfect weather." Some folks would be happy as all git-out if 24/7/365 the thermometer read 72 degrees. But not me. My answer to "What is the perfect temperature?" is: it depends. Here's my run-down, worked out on my stroll through Central Park yesterday.
March through June: 60-72 degrees with a little breeze. And give me several days and nights - spread out, of course - of thunderstorms and a good steady rain. One must have some time to stay indoors, drink tea, and read a couple of murder mysteries.
July and August: 82 degrees tops, low humidity, and a little breeze.
Labor Day through October 15 (I have this very finely worked out, don't I?): Nothing over 70 for September; nothing over 60 after that. Several days of a good autumn rain.
October 16 through Thanksgiving: 35-55. I want that fall nip and the occasional frost on da' punkins. (And it's always nice if Thanksgiving Day has perfect autumn blue skies with temps in the 35-45 range.)
Thanksgiving through Valentines Day: Nothing over 45 degrees, with snow being an absolute must Christmas Eve through New Year's Day. (I've never seen it happen, but a girl can dream.)
End o' Feb: I don't care as long as it passes quickly.
That's my year of perfect weather. Obviously, I'm a child of temperate climes. From my post to God's ears.