. . . that airlines serve snacks before drinks? Sure, snacks are quicker to hand out, but folks are parched after sitting on the runway for an hour-and-a-half due to flight delays and tossing them a bag of Sunchips just makes matters worse.
. . . that I always get on the "local" elevator that hits every floor before getting to mine? I suspect I have my own personal bratty kid (the opposite of a guardian angel) that precedes me and punches all the buttons.
. . . that Bush and Cheney haven't been impeached yet?
. . . that no matter what I do, I can't get rid of my pot belly?
. . . that I can't stand Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis, but I'm OK with Matt Damon and George Clooney?
. . . that banks withdraw money and fees immediately but put a 7-day hold on deposits?
. . . that my brain and my mouth don't seem to work in conjunction with each other?
. . . Blogger won't let me Edit Html, thereby making the spacing wonky?
These are wonderful questions. And I bet even the Book of Answers doesn't have the answers. But when you get the answers, I know you'll enlighten us all!
OK, here's another one. Why is it that the odds of my dribbling something on my clothes during a meal directly correlates with whether or not the clothing item is washable. (If washable, no. I won't drip gravy on my shirt. If dry cleanable or difficult to clean, why, yes. I will dribble.)
And em, I promise if I ever get the answers, I will pass 'em on!
There are two answers to your dribbling problem, Mary. Either only buy things that are washable or.......make/buy matching/co-ordinating bibs to use with dry cleanable stuff. You never know it could start a fashion trend and make you a fortune!! (I'd buy some 'cos I dribble all the time)
Here's another one:
Why is it that, despite checking them through, my posts always have stupid mistakes in them
Chris - wonderful idea! I see big bucks in our future, kiddo! (and don't worry about the typos - we'll soon have gorgeous young men to do our typing for us . . . )
Winston - because why?
Tom and Bruce, Matt and George - I'm with you on that, and I'm thinking it's all in the eyes...
Just because...
Just because why? (I can go on forever this way, Winston, honestly.)
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