Monday, September 05, 2005

Books for fall and winter

I need to take a blog-rest from the horror that is Katrina and find something to look forward to. New books are a good place to start. Here's the Fall Preview from the Washington Post. New books forthcoming from some old fiction favorites like Joyce Carol Oates, Kaye Gibbons, E.L. Doctorow, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and Anita Shreve. Zadie Smith's On Beauty is her homage to EM Forster's Howard's End, shifted to a Harvard-like academic setting. Non-fiction? Again, so many. Lot of hoo-ha over Lewis M. Dabney's new biography of writer/editor/critic Edmund Wilson. Here's the New York Times review, but there's an even better one in this month's Harper's (Can't link to individual articles online. Just buy the magazine - you need to read it every month anyway.) The Sunday Times reviews February House by Sherill Tippins, about the Brooklyn writers'/artists' colony that housed the likes of WH Auden, Benjamin Britten, Gypsy Rose Lee, Salvador Dali and Carson McCullers (and many others). Put that on my list. Just a taste of what's to come.

I know I gave a vague promise of pictures from Dragon.Con on Saturday, but I don't have a digital camera and I'm too lazy to have the pictures I took developed. Here's a taste of what we saw. It was interesting, but I'm not a sci-fi, goth, romance, fantasy fan (OK, except for Buffy the Vampire Slayer), so I found it kinda over-blown and silly, but the two 13-year-old boys loved it.

Happy Labor Day, y'all.

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