I am a real stickler for a good bed, but then I have the best bed in all the world at home – one of those high numbers built before 1920, perfect mattress, 400+-count sheets, down comforter, and marvelous feather pillows. So, you see why havin’ to give it up for a crap piece o’bed just doesn’t sit (recline?) right with me.
Hotels. Please. Forget the cool wallpaper, CD player, morning newspaper, Oreos on the pillow. I want a comfortable bed when I travel. Geez, you’d think for $250/night the place could guarantee at least that.
Didn't mean to go all Princess-and-the-Pea-ish on you (make that Princess Peevish). That’s it for my Friday morning rant.
What I hate is those places where the bottom sheet is just LAID on the mattress. Anybody knows this is just a disaster.
Yes, Yes! You roll over once and the bottom sheet gets bunched up so that there's nothing between you and a slimey mattress! That's the ONE good thing about this bed - the bottom sheet stays put.
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