Forget the Winter Olympics. Here are the real champs. All these great dogs in one place! Some are kinda prissy, but most of them look completely lovable, even the Rottweiler (which won its group last night, by the way - a Georgia dog, wouldn't ya' know) and pit bull. It's great to hear the history and function of each breed, see them trot around the floor, stand stock-still, and then show some glimmer of fun-loving personality.
The dogs are great. But I always wonder what's with the trainers who sprint them around the ring - especially the women. I mean, are they required to wear the ugliest shoes and clothes ever? I understand you'd want to be comfortable while showing a dog, but really, ladies! There are some really cute, comfortable flats you can wear. Give me a call and I'll point you in the right direction. And, what's with the brocade suits this year? Does the Westminster Kennel Club select a type of heinous uniform and require the chicks to wear 'em? (The men look fine in their suits and ties.) Just wondering.

Ah, well. If you can't watch Westminster (tonight's the last night), pop Best in Show in the DVD and laugh your arse off. Too, too funny! You'll never view a dog show the same way again.
I totally agree...Best In Show is so hilarious...love it!
Dogs! Eurgh! Awful, smelly and incredibly stupid animals. Sorry -I just can't stand 'em.
Christopher Guest's character in "Best In Show" however - Fantastic. Only bettered by the guy doing the all-action sports-style commentary at the dog show.
And you call yourself an Englishman, PT! Don't tell me you're a "cat" person?
Yes, I love Christopher Guest in Best in Show. "Pine nut, hickory nut, pistachio nut . . ."
Love Catherine O'Hara and Eugene Levy, too. Oh. And Jennifer Coolidge. Great film.
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