Tuesday, April 07, 2020

COVIDiary: Out of Season

Well, here it is Holy Week, in the midst of isolation and coronavirus fears. At least that's what the calendar says. But the way things are now? It's an never-ending Lent.

A few days ago one of our clergy asked those of us in lay leadership to make a video recording of us saying "Hallelujah!" Our videos would be edited together and shown online during Easter. One thing about me is that I am a terrible actor. All my feels are in my face and voice. No way to hide it. And believe you me, I am not feeling "Hallelujah!" in any way, shape, or form right now. But I thought I'd summon up a little joy and give the video a try.

I tried for three days. In various recordings I came off as cynical, underwhelmed, or wild-eyed hysterical. My meager efforts were so insincere, that I decided not to participate in the project.

It's a time out of season. I have no "Hallelujahs!" in me right now. During this isolated time I do, however, have the urge to scream good old Anglo Saxon four-letter words off my balcony several times a day. Not very Easter-y, but there you have it.

Others, I'm sure, submitted wonderful, enthusiastic videos, and perhaps I'll derive some seasonal spirit from them. Or perhaps Easter will have to wait for a while. It is a moveable feast, after all, and I'll move it to a time when I can hug my family and laugh face-to-face with my friends. I really don't think Jesus cares one way or another.

So my hallelujahs will stay buried for a while. They should be all the sweeter on the other side of this strange time.

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