Rook was the only card game we could play in our house. "Face cards," or gamblin' cards, were forbidden in many good Bible Belt homes, but Rook cards were fine, since they didn't hold the whiff of tainted money, whiskey, cigars, and low-life wimmin. In fact, that's why Rook ("Christian cards") was invented by Parker Brothers around the turn of the last century. But I'm here to tell you that wild, fanatical rivalries can shake a house, even without tainted money and the like.
The game was big - powerful big - up at Grandmother and Granddaddy Rob's farmhouse in Henrietta, Tennessee. Now, my daddy's side of the family was always calmer and more in control of their emotions than my mother's whacky Atlanta Bully Bartow clan. The Nashville/Henrietta crowd was so nice and peaceful and took things in a calm, cool manner. Except when the Rook cards came out. Yep, once that deck of Rook cards was pulled out after supper, well, just be prepared for a competitive evening like no other. The calm, cool, collected crowd became excitable, overly-competitive Incredible Hulks.

I like Rook. It's easy to learn and fun to play. I like the memories of watching the game played at the farm in Henrietta, knowing I was witnessing a sort of cultural touchstone. I think I have a deck somewhere.
Poker? Pah! Pull out those Rook cards, hang on to your 14s, and pray you draw Mr. Caw-Caw!
Guess I wasn't much into the Rook games. I just remember the marathon Monopoly games with Uncle Harold, David, Cousin Jack and me. We would play for days on end. What a great time we had and no one ever got angry. We even lent each other money so we could keep playing.
I remember old guys sitting around the "store" playing checkers or sitting on each others front porch playing checkers sometimes using bottle caps as the checkers. Good old slow times. Good hearted people. I miss 'em.
I'm such a huge card and game player Mary; but I never really played Rook. From reading your post...I know I'd love it. Maybe I should introduce it into our poker nights with my daughter, her boyfriend, and my son and see how it goes over. Have a great 4th of July coming up sweetie... ~Joy xo
Bro - I remember the marathon Monopoly games, too, but those were just the kids playing (except for Harold). Watching the adults get into Rook was more entertaining (especially waiting to see if Mother had the Rook). There was never any anger - but a whole lot of competition.
Joy - Rook is fun, just a suit game really. Give it a try. And Happy 4th to you, too!
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