Like any self-respecting woman, I don't look in the mirror first thing in the morning, so I didn't notice the black-eye until after I'd walked Bailey and was ready to hit the shower. Where the hell did it come from?
The weird thing is that it doesn't hurt at all. But there it is - a nice big purply-red splotch under my left eye. If I'd banged it on something during the night (what??), wouldn't I feel some pain? Nope. Nada.
It does kinda give me a devil-may-care, tough-girl look, though. Maybe I'll start wearing an eye-patch. I do live in New York City now. Hmm.
I suppose if this kind of thing is going to happen whilst I'm sleeping, I'd better swaddle my head in foam rubber before retiring. Ah, me. It's obvious I need a keeper.
Still, it's a mystery.
That's weird. And yes, you should've remembered if you got that black eye from being hit or walked into something.
Well, yes - I mean, I'm out of it sometimes, but not that out of it. I'll chalk it up to poltergeists.
Glad you made it through your MRI OK. Hell of a way to lose weight, though, Christa. You're certainly in my thoughts -
OK ... time to fess up. What's his name? And how much did you imbibe the night before? Come on now, this is family. You can tell me and you know it won't go any further...
I blame the dreams; they are so vivid it's not surprising we wake up with bruises.
Because of course they're not really dreams. We spend our night-times in an alternate universe.
I had better go and take my pills now.
Hell of a way to lose weight, though.
Especially since I always lose that weight first and foremost in my face, over the shoulders and hands. It gives that sick look.
Hopefully I can get it to stabilize a bit when the surgery is done and I'm back on my feet again. I intend to keep the diet afterwards too, so then it might be a good thing :)
Stigmata. That's what I'm going with. Not sure of the theology of that, but it's better than a shake of the head and a "hell if I know."
Very theological.
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